
Monday, October 16, 2017

The Angel

The ANGEL glanced down,
caught sight of woman.

Not even the miracle
of the universe impressed him

 as much as those smoldering eyes,
those firm ripe breasts,

that promiscuous curve of hip.
He envied that act of climbing

one another’s body after dark,
& as night winds blew,

and bodies ignited,
lust and revolution bubbled

in his magical limbs and loins:
3 pair of wings, 2

for the covering of eyes, while
in the presence of the lord;

and sanctity was forever lost
in the orgasm of envy.



Nights, trying to dream;
the heater singing me to sleep.
Voices of operatic demons
entombed behind plastic ribs.

Civilization exhales
its keyhole of warmth;
heater squatting before me,
like a stunted god,

demonic munchkin.
I shiver in the shadow
of Neanderthal,
project the shadow woman:

pressed against far walls,
political refugee, evading
a searchlight’s fangs;
she is real as fear.

I cry out like Helen Keller:
the chill straightens its spine,
holds its breath;
I too, hold my breath:

like demons caged
by plastic ribs. I await
an answer, a word; exhalations
from a keyhole of warmth.


  Indeed. -And perhaps if she wasn't the most duplicitous politician who has ever sought the office of President, "it" might have been.
 There has only been one King John of England. Historically, he is regarded as one of the worst, if not the worst, of that kingdom's monarchs. -"Evil John", "Cruel John", "Bad John", "John the Shite", "Slyboots John". He was considered so foul a person that there has never since been nor will there ever be, another King of England who will have or take the name, John.
  I wonder how many new parents are naming their daughters, Hillary?   -Tom Esposito

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